Brevard Sykes Creek WWTP Headworks
Demolished existing WWTF headworks, including the removal of existing equipment, pipe, metals, and concrete. Installed a temporary bypass to divert influent flow. The new headworks structure includes new pipe, valves, barscreens, grit equipment, slide gates, coatings, handrail, grating, and stairs. Included a new prefabricated electrical building. Four enclosures from the previous electrical building are relocated to the new building. This project included the removal of approximately 182,000 gallons of sludge from oxidation tank #2 and included removing one 16" MJ sleeve and replacing it with a new flange coupling adapter on the pipe at the valve vault. All deep well and monitoring well instruments were brought up to code.
Cape Canaveral Headworks
An aluminum structure was furnished and placed on a new concrete pad located at the southeast end of the existing headworks structure. A Parkson drum screen was installed and tied into the existing influent line utilizing 16” ductile iron pipe and plug valves. The existing structure was modified to allow the drum screen effluent flow to pass through and continue to the facilities next treatment phase.